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5 Tips to Implement Your New Homeschool Schedule

Now that you know how to create a homeschool schedule that works for you, if not click here, it is time to use that schedule. This is however easier said than done. I have a confession, I LOVE MAKING PLANS. It’s the implementing of plans that I have a little problem with. If you are similar to the way I am then this post is for you. Let’s walk.

Now that we know how to create a successful homeschool schedule, its now time to implement it. Here are 5 tips for implementing your homeschool schedule
From here on out, I am assuming that you already have your free planning page from my last post, How to Create a Homeschool Schedule, in hand and you are ready to go.

5 Tips for Implementing Your Homeschool Schedule


1. Decide Where You Want to Homeschool

Having a dedicated area helps the brain to associate that area with homeschooling. What do you associate a bathroom with? Whether it is to have a shower or to use the toilet, you know that the bathroom is where you need to be to do those activities.  Whether you decide to use a room or simply using  your kitchen table, this decision has to be made.


2. Create A Routine

Seems simple enough, right? Creating a routine helps everyone. It creates discipline, it creates a sense of stability and security and a routine also simplifies your life.  What set of activities will you be doing before you start your homeschool day? What will you do once you are done? Is there a particular order you prefer to have the subjects done? Do you want Math before Reading because your student struggles with it? Or perhaps you prefer to start with the lighter subjects first? Decide on your routine- both you and your children will thank you.


3. Have All Your Material Prepared Before You Start

Nothing is more distracting than starting an activity and you have to stop because you are missing something. It is even worse if you are doing an activity with someone else and you have to stop mid-sentence. It throws you out of sync. Here is an example to drive it home. Imagine that you are explaining the butterfly life cycle to your child and you state that you will do a hands-on activity to further help. You turn around to realize that you are a few materials short. You now have to break your student’s concentration in order to source your materials and you had better be praying that everything you need is at home.


4. Get A Timer

Have you ever sat down and said that you will do a task that will last for 5 minutes, only to realize that 5 minutes turned into 25 minutes? Time is extremely relative and thank you, Einstein, for your theories. An activity that seems to be going well will seem to end too fast and an activity such as teaching a child to read will seem as if time has stood still. In order to bring peace of mind and to ensure that your student is not being cheated of the duration, you set for each subject (this is where your planning sheet comes into play) a timer needs to be used. It could be the timer on a cell phone or if you do not want the distraction of a phone, then get an actual alarm clock.


5. Ensure That Everyone Is On Board

‘The best-laid plans of men and mice often go awry.’ This statement speaks volumes and yet it is also missing one aspect: the best plans need support. Without the support of your family, all the planning would have been for nothing. You need your family’s support for encouragement when the days are tough. You need the support when you are too sick to teach and a family member might step up to the plate in your stead. You also need to ensure everyone is on board in case you slack off on teaching your kids. Distractions happen and life happens and that’s why you need that guiding voice a gentle reminder to say that you need to homeschool today.


I hope these 5 tips help you with your new homeschool year. Don’t forget to check out these other homeschooling posts below especially if you feel the need to defend your choice to homeschool.

don't homeschool! Your kids wont be socialized don't homeschool- are you a trained teacher?dont homeschool- you will ruin your kids


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