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Acorn Bin: Our Fall Preschool Sensory Activity

As I mentioned earlier this week, J is absolutely crazy about acorns. So much so that this week, our fall preschool sensory activities has a special focus on acorns. We had a Fall Preschool Reading Mini Kit as well as Fall Preschool Math Mini Kit. Today I will share our acorn bin. Let’s walk.

sensory fall activities for preschoolers: acorn bin

What You Need

  1. Storage bin or large container
  2. Enough acorns to create a nice thick layer for a base
  3. Leaves
  4. Cinnamon sticks
  5. A small jug (or any small container for pouring)
  6. Different sizes of spoons for scooping
  7. Oak tree life cycle cards courtesy of Pre Kinders

Once everything was put together, J went nuts. It was as if she had experienced acorn overload. She took up the cinnamon sticks and seemed a bit apprehensive at first but she came around to the idea of it eventually. Baby C however seemed as if he wanted to join in on the fun.

sensory fall activities for preschoolers: acorn bin

What She Learnt

Fine and Gross Motor Skills

Courtesy of her little jug and the spoons, she was able to continue working on her fine and gross motor skills by constantly pouring and scooping the acorns.


In our sensory fall preschool sensory activity, she learnt about life cycles. We spoke about how the acorn falls from the tree and then starts to grow into a seedling. It then grows some more and becomes a young oak tree and eventually becomes a really big tree when it is fully grown and then it starts all over again. I used the life cycle cards as well to demonstrate the acorn life cycle.


We worked on counting and reinforced counting to 20 as well. The numbers 15 and 16 seem a little garbled but she will get there, no rush. We also took the time to practice counting in German as well. Her counting is better than mine but that’s ok.


I am sure there are more things that could be done with this sensory bin but I could not think of anymore. Besides, she seemed to enjoy it and I am happy.


If you enjoyed this post, you may like these other ones from our fall week. Simply click on the images below. Don’t forget to subscribe and thanks for walking with me.

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