5 Tips to Implement Your New Homeschool Schedule
Now that you know how to create a homeschool schedule that works for you, if not click here, it is time to use that schedule. This is however easier said …
Now that you know how to create a homeschool schedule that works for you, if not click here, it is time to use that schedule. This is however easier said …
‘Help! How do I create a homeschool daily schedule for my kids?’ Does this question sound familiar? To be honest, its something that I struggled with for a LONG time. …
When you begin homeschooling typically there is only one student. You’re able to give your full attention and focus to them without interruption. It is not very difficult to make …
Every morning when J wakes up, she comes immediately to our room and asks for one thing, “Can I watch Magic School Bus?” My response to my husband (J goes …
Sign language belongs to the deaf and hard-of-hearing community, but even hearing children can benefit from learning it. Since kids pick up languages the best at a young age, it’s …
Welcome back to our last class of Sensory Bin 101. So far we have covered What is a Sensory Bin? as well as bases of Sensory Bins. Today we will …
Ever wondered about what sensory bin bases to use for your kids’ sensory bins? Welcome back to Sensory Bin 101, your introductory course to one of the most loved preschool …
It is no secret that my daughter is a sensory addict. Scented playdough, scented rice bin, sensory engineering– once it appeals to her senses, she loves it. Courtesy of my daughter’s …
Hey guys! It’s me Natasha from over at Tiny Tots Adventures, where I blog about some of the fun, educational games and activities that I do with my preschooler and …
Squishy. Crunchy. Stretchy. Sticky. All wonderful sensations just experienced in the making of this quintessential preschool snack idea. … Any guesses?
Hello, Learning 2 Walk readers. I’m Jenn from Organized Home Organized School, and I’m excited to be sharing with you all today what preschool organization looks like in my small …
Have you heard of Discovery Toys? No? That’s okay because up until recently I hadn’t heard about them either but let me assure you, you want to hear about them. …