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Coin Preschool Letter Worksheets

I love creating new activities from old preschool letter worksheets! This week’s challenge for #toolsforlearning is using toy money for learning . Once I heard this, I decided to revamp a set of my old worksheets to create a set of coin preschool letter worksheets. At first I was going to create a set of alphabet cards but wanted something bigger that he can carry around when his sister does her work.

I am so happy that my son loved these coin preschool letter worksheets and actually sat still to do a few of the sheets.


Before you can start all the fun you need a few things: (Please note that affiliate links are used below for your convenience):


  1. Print out all the coin worksheets on cardstock or regular paper.
  2. Place them into protective sleeves and put them into the binder.
  3. Allow your preschooler to use the coins to fill in the circles to create each letter.

I am so happy that my son loved these coin preschool letter worksheets and actually sat still to do a few of the sheets.

C did several pages until he got bored.  I can also see us using these worksheets several times- all we have to do is use different manipulatives such as rainbow bears or snap cubes.


If you wanted to use these sheets in a classroom setting you would have to do the one of the following:

  1. Print back and front on each page.
  2. Print each page in either multiples or even as a booklet. Multiples allows 4 typical pages on one page.
  3. Print the pages in black and white to save on colored ink.
  4. If you don’t want to buy the toy coins you can use real pennies.

I am so happy that my son loved these coin preschool letter worksheets and actually sat still to do a few of the sheets.

There is absolutely no excuse not to recreate this fun preschool letter recognition activity.

Here are a few more toy money activities for you to try this week:

Free Preschool Letter B Printables

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