These end of the school year worksheets are a great way to celebrate the end of the school year. If you are looking for a fun way to wrap up the last day of school (or homeschool) this post is for you. Perhaps you are simply wondering what important things or extra activities to include in your end of year wrap. Either way, keep reading.

End of the School Year Worksheets
Everyone knows that a good set of end of year worksheets always allows for a smooth transition into summer and there are a few fun activities included.
And yet, there are so many different ways that we can end our school calendar on a high note. These end of school year worksheets are the perfect addition to your end of school year activities. They’re also a sweet way to show your students you care.
What to Include in Your End of the School Year Worksheets
Favorite Books (End of the School Year Ideas)
Compiling your best books in a list can be done in two ways.
The first is a recommendation of all the books you, the school teacher, think your students will love. You can easily compile your list with the help of Goodreads, or if you’ve been lucky you can use your notes on the book your kids have been reading and enjoying in class.
The second version is to have your students (no matter the grade level 1st grade, 7th grade) identify their favorite books for the past school year.
Memory Book
Who doesn’t love end of the year memory books? They are such a fun way to gather a snapshot so that your students can compare the first day of school to the last day of school. They can see how much they’ve grown, all the skills they’ve mastered as well as highlights throughout the past year.
The best part is, that they will definitely pop open and enjoy these scoop of memories during summer vacation.
This colorful and fun School End of Year Printable is sure to be a hit with your younger kids. It also includes award certificates.
Crossword Puzzle (End of the School Year Ideas)
Word search puzzles and crossword puzzles are a huge hit with kids. Be sure to create a few of these for your students. You can even match it to a theme such as their birth month or even summer.
This fun crossword puzzle generator is definitely helpful. Just add your words and it will generate your puzzle.
You can also create a fun word scramble for your kids.
Coloring pages
Coloring pages are a huge hit for kids and adults alike. Be sure to include a coloring page sample from the beginning of the year so that your students can see how much they’ve improved.

Summer Holidays Ideas
If you’re up to the task, perhaps list out a few ideas that your students and parents can try for the summer. I’m sure this will go over big with the parents.

Report Card
Yes, report cards are part of the end of year deal. This lovely report is the last snapshot of what your fantastic learners have grasped.
Creative Writing
A few ways to encourage creative writing is with a few prompts such as a sentence starter. One such sentence could be ” Now that the year is done, I can’t wait to…”
Now that we’ve looked at just a few ideas to celebrate the final days of your school year, let’s get on to the printable worksheets.
Craft Ideas
If you have the time, feel free to allow your students to make an end of year craft or two.
Inside the Sample of the End of the School Year Worksheets Pack

Inside you will find:
- Math activities
- Literacy activities
- Fine motor activities
Below you will find our last week of school worksheets. Click the button below.

Friday 24th of June 2022