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Free Printable Addition Facts Chart to Help With Math Fluency

I love creating a tool that helps my kids with their schoolwork. This free printable addition facts chart was created for my kids to help them with their addition facts fluency. In other words, it’s a cheat sheet of sort with addition strategies and I am sharing it with you today.

Every homeschooling mom knows that there comes a point where you have to teach your kids a skill. Not just any random skill but the type that affects almost everything in a particular subject. In our case, its addition.

If you are looking for some addition worksheets or activities to practice this with, simply click Addition Worksheets!


Teaching your kids how to add is downright intimidating. Do they add with their fingers? Use a calculator? Use this free printable addition facts chart with your kids - in fact print it for them! #additionfactsworksheetsfreeprintable #additionfactsfreeprintableworksheets


Free Printable Addition Facts Chart to Help With Math Fluency

But why teach addition facts? Why not let them use their fingers or use a calculator since everyone uses the calculator on their phone? The answer is simple really. I want their minds to be sharp and I don’t want them to be dependent on a device when their brains are perfectly capable.

There is also fantastic research that states that drills (yes, I know that’s a scary word) are quite effective in learning any concept. You can see what K5 Learning has to say on the topic as well. It’s a very good read.

How To Use the Free Printable Addition Facts Chart

Now using this chart is actually quite simple and I am going to walk you through it. Before I do I have a few tidbits of advice.

  • Remember every child learns at their own pace
  • Do not teach all the strategies at once. Instead teach 1 or 2 at a time until your child seems to have mastered the concept.
  • Use a drilling website to create drills DAILY based on these facts. Our favorite can be found at Math U See.
  • Continuously review all the facts learned- even when you think they have mastered them.

Remember that addition facts fluency comes from repetition and drilling (there’s that word again).

Adding 0 to a Number

Let’s start with +0 facts. The chart lets your student know that +0 is the number itself. It doesn’t change.

For example 2 + 0= 2 or 3450 + 0= 3450

I have found that kids tend to understand this concept pretty quickly when a favourite food or toy is used in the equation. One such example is

Jack has 3 donuts and he gets zero more. How many does he have now? He still only has 3.

Plus 1 Addition

Adding 1 to a number , or +1, means that you increase the number by one or thing of the number that comes next when counting.

For example 4 + 1 = 5 or 2890 + 1 = 2891. You get the idea.

Teaching your kids how to add is downright intimidating. Do they add with their fingers? Use a calculator? Use this free printable addition facts chart with your kids - in fact print it for them! #additionfactsworksheetsfreeprintable #additionfactsfreeprintableworksheets

Plus 2 Addition

When it comes to adding 2 to a number, have your kids skip the number that comes next. For example 3 + 2 = 5. The number that immediately follows 3 is 4 but they need to skip it and say the following number which is 5.

You can see the other tips on the addition fact fluency chart below.


Monday 20th of June 2022

Thank you for making this printable available! We use Math U See and we love it. I’m not having any luck downloading this cheat sheet though. Every time I click on it, I get an app converter error.


Monday 20th of June 2022

I am so sorry about that. You can now download the sheet by clicking the orange button at the end of the post. Enjoy