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Good Night Moon Writing Activity

My kids love Good Night Moon! They love the little lady whispering hush, and they like the idea of a bowl of mush. I wanted both my kids to continue working on their fine motor skills and figured that a good night moon writing activity would be ideal. Who could pass up playing in mush?

This good night moon writing activity was so fun and I love the fact that both kids were able to enjoy it. This bowl full of mush was a hit!

J loves sensory activities be it play dough, sensory bin or simply smelling an object. Caleb, on the other hand, will only do a sensory activity that allows his hands to be as clean as possible. How do I get both of them to participate in a sensory writing activity? A bowl of mush calls for a mess, and he was having none of that.

Good Night Moon Writing Activity Tools

Before you can start all the fun, you need a few things: (Please note that affiliate links are used below for your convenience):

  1. Mix the oats and the water together on the plate or tray. I allowed the kids to do this step as I hoped that if C was more involved, he might eventually play with it.
  2. Add any scents your child likes- J chose the vanilla extract while C chose maple syrup.
  3. Allow your child to explore the bowl of mush (and it’s perfectly okay if some happen to get in their mouth).
  4. Once the excitement has settled, place a writing card in front of them. Have them reproduce what is on the card.

 This good night moon writing activity was so fun and I love the fact that both kids were able to enjoy it. This bowl full of mush was a hit!


Caleb focused on writing lines both vertical and horizontal. Surprisingly, it was a lot harder than it seemed especially with him not wanting to touch it. Luckily, the cinnamon stick saved the day, and he gladly used it.


Jael, on the other hand, worked on writing letters as well as words with her cards and eventually stopped to smell further and play in her mush. As you can see below:

Playing in the Good Night Moon bowl of mush writing tray