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Preschool For Mommies

Preschool for Mommies

“Ting a ling a ling
School bell a ring
‘Nife an fark a fight fi dumplin”

I am sure most, if not all of my readers are wondering what on earth I just quoted. This is a song I would always hear back in Jamaica when it was almost time for schools to re-open. Seeing that this is indeed back to school season for most, I will be going through a series of posts under the theme: Preschool for Mommies.

Before you can start any preschool there is one key element that is needed. It is far important than that fifth cup of coffee that you are thinking about grabbing and more important that wondering what curriculum to get. What is this key component? Well you need to have a kid! Click here for instructions.

Every preschool needs a child or two and doing preschool at home is no exception. There would be no point in buying crayons  and colouring books. No need to think of sensory activities , school rooms and curricula (if you choose to get any) if you had no children to teach.

Let me also state that preschool should be fun and does not have to be done by strapping your kid to a desk for them to understand concepts such as counting, their abc’s or even understanding horizontal and vertical lines. There is ALWAYS a fun way to teach something to a preschooler. ALWAYS.

So grab your pens and notepads, school is in session…for you mommies. Welcome to Preschool For Mommies and I shall be your guide.  Tomorrow we will look at the question, “What age do I start?”


teaching preschool

Monday 25th of August 2014

[…] so you now know that you actually need a kid to start a preschool at home. Yes, you cannot simply teach crayons and the markers no matter the […]

Curricula, Books and Apps for preschoolers

Thursday 21st of August 2014

[…] The most important factor of Preschool […]

What does my preschooler need to know

Sunday 17th of August 2014

[…] that your preschooler need to know. So far in our series, Preschool for Mommies, we have looked at: the most important factor of a preschool, the age that you may want to start, language development as well as social and emotional […]

What Does My Preschooler Need To Know? Language (Reading and Writing) - Learning 2 Walk- homeschooling preschoolers and Christianity

Monday 11th of August 2014

[…] So far we have discussed a few essentials of starting a preschool at home. We have looked at the most important thing needed for doing preschool as well as the age you may want to start at. We have also previously looked at […]

What Does My Preschooler Need To Know? Social and Emotional Development - Learning 2 Walk- homeschooling preschoolers and Christianity

Monday 11th of August 2014

[…] you believe this is our third post in the series, Preschool for Mommies? We have looked at the most important component of doing preschool in your home and we have adressed when to start. Today we will be looking at the […]