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Growing Seeds

Today’s preschool lesson plan for Playful Preschool is Nuts and Seeds. If you are new to my blog, Playful Preschool is a group of preschool bloggers coming together to provide hands-on ideas for lesson plans one week at a time. Let’s walk.

Do you want your preschooler to learn about seeds? Try this preschool science lesson plan for growing seeds
Thanksgiving in Canada was last month and it was the first time we had ever decorated and carved pumpkins together. J sponge painted her pumpkin purple and shockingly her pumpkin lasted the longest. Courtesy of her pumpkin lasting, I am now able to share this activity with you.

What You Need

1) 2 different types of seeds (we chose burma beans and the pumpkin seeds from J’s pumpkin)

2) A clear container to place the seeds in so that you can observe them

3) Soaked toilet paper or paper towel


Directions For This Preschool Lesson Plan

First gather all the items needed for your experiment.

Place the seeds in the container separate from each other. Do not mix the beans with the pumpkins or seed A with seed B.

Soak the toilet paper or paper towel and place behind the seeds against the container. You are aiming to keep the seeds in one spot but to also allow the seeds to be visible on the side of the container while it grows.

Add additional water if needed

Place in a sunny spot and observe.


Things To Discuss While You Wait

First explain to your preschooler what seeds need to grow. Then ask them what they need to grow.

Let them know that when a seed turns into a plant it is called germination.

Read books about seeds and plants growing. Here are a few that you can use: (please note affiliate links are used)

Check daily with your preschooler to see if there are any changes.

Are there any changes? Talk about them. Discuss other plants and foods that come from seeds. See how many your preschooler can come up with.


Plan Your Nut and Seeds Learning Week With Activities from the #PlayfulPreschool Team

Nutty Science–A Lesson in Buoyancy

Wednesday 21st of September 2016

[…] with Pistashio Shells by Still Playing School Seed and Letter Sensory Bin by Growing Book by Book Growing Seeds by Learning 2 Walk Exploring Chia Seeds by Powerful Mothering Nutty Science–A Lesson in […]

The Preschool Toolbox

Sunday 23rd of November 2014

Alecia - growing seeds is such fun for preschoolers. Learning how things grow, what seeds looks like, and what they need to mature is important learning!

Mary Catherine

Friday 21st of November 2014

My preschoolers love growing seeds!

Nicolette Roux

Friday 21st of November 2014

we still need to do a growing seeds lesson! Thanks for sharing

Jodie @ Growing Book by Book

Friday 21st of November 2014

This was always a go to activity to do in the classroom. Great for kids to see!