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Preschool Sensory Activities

Preschoolers learn best by exploring their environment through their senses. The love to smell, touch, taste, listen and see the things around them to learn more about their surroundings. This is why preschool sensory activities are so important. Below you will find a list of all the preschool sensory activities we have done so far at home.

preschool sensory activities
Photo Credit: Dollar Photo Club | Doble.D
What Am I? Auditory Preschool Sensory Activities

whats in the egg- auditory sensory activities based on humpty dumpty


Melted Snowman Painting

melted snowman painting winter preschool activities 1

SENSORY BIN 101 Series

Pt 1: What Is A Sensory Bin?

preschool sensory activities- what is a sensory bin 2

Pt 2: Bases

preschool sensory activities- sensory bin 101 basespreschool sensory activities- sensory bin 101 bases


Pt 3: Tools and Storage for Sensory Bins

preschool sensory activities- sensory bin 101 tools and storage


Valentine Sensory Bin 

In this post you will learn 3 fun ways to play with rice as well as how to make J’s Valentine sensory bin.

preschool sensory activities- 3 ways to play with rice and valentine sensory bin vertical

Erupting Numbers

Baking soda? Check. Vinegar? Check.

Erupting Numbers


Build The Castle of Arendelle

Hey, why not have a Frozen activity based on engineering and make it sensory at the same time?

build the castle of Arendelle- frozen preschool lesson plan

Frozen Winter Sensory Bin

Courtesy of the Frozen bug biting us, we decided to do a Frozen preschool lesson plan and here is our sensory bin for the occasion.

Frozen winter sensory bin- preschool sensory activities

Christmas Scented Playdough

This week I made 2 different scented playdough for J: cranberry (with real cranberries) as well as cinnamon.

Preschool Sensory Activities for Christmas- Playdough
Peppermint Christmas Sensory Bin

I decided to make a sensory bin for J to kick off our journey to Christmas. It was very hard to convince her we were still in Fall with all the snow on the ground.

preschool sensory activities; peppermint christmas sensory bin
Build A Highway Sensory Table

J has a deep love for cars as a result I created this sensory table for her and C.

preschool sensory activities: transportation
Candy Cane Playdough…Not!
Ever had the genius idea that you should make candy cane playdough? Well that was the case here. Instead of playdough, we ended up with something else.

Preschool sensory Activities Candy cane Dough- NOT

Rainbow Rice Upper and Lowercase Match
What preschooler does not love a sensory activity, ESPECIALLY ones with rice? Here is a fun way to explore as well as working on matching up lower and upper case letters.

Preschool Sensory Activities: ABC Rainbow Rice Match

Acorn Bin
I created this bin for J, my preschooler because she became obsessed with squirrels and acorns. In those post you will find instructions on how to make your own acorn sensory bin as well as how we used this bin to further promote learning.

fall activities for preschoolers-sensory activities for preschoolers: acorn bin

Real Strawberry Playdough

In this post you will find our real strawberry playdough recipe that smells oh so good. We used pureed strawberries that we got from strawberry picking as well a strawberry jello and a few other ingredients.

Strawberry Overload Playdough: Sensory Activities for Preschoolers
Creepy Crawlies 

In this post I created an awesome sensory bin for J to play with for this week’s Playful Preschool ‘s Creepy Crawlies Preschool Lesson Plan. Unfortunately, her strong hatred of bugs(she has nightmares about ants and mosquitoes) still remained and it was left untouched. I am still seeking suggestions on how to overcome this fear.

Creepy Crawlies Lesson plan: preschool sensory activities

Pumpkin Cinnamon Playdough and Ooblek

We created pumpkin cinnamon playdough as well as pumpkin cinnamon ooblek. J preferred the playdough and LOVED smelling it.

Pumpkin Cinnamon playdough and ooblek: Fall preschool sensory activities

I will be adding a new preschool sensory activity weekly so don’t forget to return to see our updates and thanks for walking with me.

Five Ways to Stimulate Baby’s Learning | Arts & Crackers

Thursday 6th of August 2015

[…] activities from friends: Sensory Play Dough Activities, Kitchen Sensory Bin, DIY Sensory Board, Preschool Sensory Activities, Edible Rainbow Sensory Bin for […]

Bug Sensory Bin (Preschool Sensory Activities)

Monday 30th of March 2015

[…] Sensory […]

B is for Bubbles Sensory Play for Kids

Thursday 5th of February 2015

[…] me the opportunity to share on Golden Reflections Blog. Today I will be sharing with you a few preschool sensory activities that involve […]

1:1 Correspondence: Preschool Sensory Activities

Sunday 1st of February 2015

[…] Sensory […]

Preschool Sensory Activities: Christmas Bin

Thursday 29th of January 2015

[…] Christmas sensory bin. Today I will be sharing with you another one of our Christmas themed preschool sensory activities. Most preschoolers and toddlers LOVE sensory activities even if they are a bit apprehensive at […]