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Using Kindergarten Ready In 30 Days with a Preschooler

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Hi my name is Alecia and I have a problem.
What is my problem?
My problem is that I have an addiction that seems to be incurable.
I cannot help myself when it comes to finding out the latest and best material there is on the market for a preschooler. I get a high just learning about the different methods and sensory activities I can do with J. It’s so bad that I may even bookmark the page of a curriculum or book that I am eyeing, pretend that I will not make an impulsive purchase then research reviews and pros for why I should get my product in order to justify my purchase.
It’s an addiction, an incurable one.

Sadly this addiction simply worsens when I realize I have NO IDEA how to make my purchase work for J and I then have to go and search for something else to use with it or scrap my previous purchase all together.
I am not the only one with this problem, right?

Well in the midst of my addiction, Jessica from Candle In The Night answered my plea by offering me her book KINDERGARTEN READY IN 30 DAYS for review. If for any reason you are unable to read beyond this point all you need to know is this:



1) It is to the point. There is no fluff and I am happy for that. I do not have time to be scanning through the book waiting to find the portion that I need. Yes I said SCAN not read. Reading is a luxury at this point in time
2) It gives you a guided chart with 2 options on how to use it. There is the regular way and the advanced way. With J I shall be using the regular way but I plan to go beyond the 30 days stated
3) The printables are in the back of the book and links are right there. No time to be going all over the place
4) The activities are FUN!!! J won’t know she is learning and Mommy is happy that J is happy.

Jessica gives two options for schedules. Seeing that J is only 2.5 ( no matter how advanced she may be) I have no intentions of pushing her. As a result I created my own schedule using the Regular Sample Schedule


Day Activities
1-2 Day 1 activities
3-4 Day 2 activities
5-6 Day 3 activities
7-8 Day 4 activities
9-10 Day 5 activities
11-12 Day 6 activities
13-14 Day 7 activities
15-16 Day 8 activities
17-18 Day 9 activities
19-20 Day 10 activities

Repeat activity cycle two more times
Total days to complete: 60

Interested in trying it? Go ahead and click the image below, I assure you, you will have no regrets. As a bonus, Jessica has kindly provided a discount coupon of 50% off. Simply enter learning2walk prior to checkout.

Thanks for walk it with me.

Kindergarten Ready in 30 Days: Get it Now!