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The Joys of Switching Up Your Homeschooling Routine

Don’t you just love the flexibility of homeschooling? The fact that you do not have to be tied to any one schooling method or curricula? After term 2 ended, I decided that I wanted to shake things up a bit with our homeschooling routine and went on a crazy reading hunt. What do I mean by crazy? I asked a few bloggers who happen to be teachers or were teachers , read books such as the Daily Five (we will go down that rabbit hole later) and I am now loving term 2. To be honest, J is seems to be loving this term more than her previous one and so I am a happy mama!


The Joys of switching up your homeschooling routine pin


Before I can tell you how everything has changed, I need to tell you what term 1 was like. I did all my homework and planning like the good over planning mommy that I am. I figured out what days we will do what subjects and everyday we must do Math and English from the curricula that I bought.

All activities will be the ones suggested from the curricula and I will maybe throw in a few extra hands on activities here and there. Seemed like a good plan and it worked for term 1. However when term 1 ended and I had my week to plan term 2 my little mind wondered how I could improve upon term 1.



So what is so different? The major change for us is that we are now alternating between curricula and hands on activities. We homeschool 4 days a week Tuesday to Friday and now our days are set up as follows:

  • Tuesdays and Thursdays:  Curricula (Logic of English, BJU Math K, Rhythm for Handwriting, Guided Reading  etc)
  • Wednesdays and Friday: Hands on days that covers Math and Reading

These hands on days led me to create our Solar System pack because J was quite intrigued by the solar system. We worked on subitizing and counting with our SOLAR SYSTEM GAME BOARD.

My daughter loved playing this solar system educational preschool game. It can even be used as a space theme activity and not just a solar system activity.

We stamped our hearts out while we worked on identifying beginning sounds. We worked on mat writing as well as sight words.

All in all, what I am saying is this:

Never stop striving to make your homeschool better for your kids. Follow their passions and use the knowledge and resources that you have to make their homeschooling experience an awesome one. 


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Erin @ Nourishing My Scholar

Friday 8th of January 2016

I love the flexibility that homeschooling offers. I'm glad you are enjoying shaking things up a bit.

Fall Pumpkin Educational Game -

Thursday 8th of October 2015

[…] I alternate between curricula and hands-on materials that are simply more fun. You can read about being brave enough to experience the joys of switching up your homeschool and how J is loving kindergarten much more than before. Because we have switched things up for […]