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5 Homeschool Benefits to Help Ease Your Mind

There are so many homeschool benefits but today I will share my top 5. If you would have asked me 8 years ago about starting homeschooling I would have looked at you blankly. I had plans for my future kids. They were going to attend a French immersion school and do a ton of extra-curricular activities.

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Those plans have changed for the better and now I am going to share with you why I love homeschooling my kids.


Homeschooling Benefit #1:  I get to spend a lot of time with your kids

Ever wondered how many hours your kids spend at school and traveling back and forth from school? For argument’s sake, let’s say that the average kid spends 6 hours at school and travels for about an hour total to and from school. That’s a total of 7 hours right there!

I get to spend all of those 7 hours with my kids 7 days a week. I get to know them- what they like and dislike, what interests them, and what scares them.

Ever wondered why some families choose to homeschool? How about the benefits of homeschooling? Here are just 5 reasons why I love homeschooling my kids. #homeschoolingbenefits #homeschoolbenefits

Reason 2: I can teach the way they learn

Caleb, my 1st grader doesn’t like keeping still but he is pretty smart. Jael on the other hand loves sitting down for worksheets and school work. What’s a homeschooling mom to do in order to help them learn? I customize the way I teach.

I chose curricula that allow both of them to play games and be active while they learn. When I see their eyes glaze over something I say, I simply stop and tweak it.

I am not boxed in by a one size fits all approach- I have the freedom to teach them the way that works for them. It’s pretty amazing really.

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Homeschool Benefits 3: I get to see them learning

I get to see my kids learning because I am teaching them. I am there to experience when they learn how to read simple words or when they decide to pick up a chapter book. I was there when my son had a meltdown because he couldn’t understand a concept quickly.

I am there for every tear, every frustrated sigh as well as every silly dance move or song they make up to something they have learned. I am there to see them face off with facts that they have learned and there to help them remember things as well.

Ever wondered why some families choose to homeschool? How about the benefits of homeschooling? Here are just 5 reasons why I love homeschooling my kids. #homeschoolingbenefits #homeschoolbenefits

Reason 4: Our schedules are flexible

We are no longer bound to the daily Monday to Friday for school. We don’t have to wake up at 7  or whatever time you have to get up for the school bus. We don’t have to figure out when the next school break is to take a vacation.

Our current lifestyle is busy but flexible. We can easily enroll our kids in a day time swimming class when it will be less crowded. We can take our car to be serviced for hours and stay overnight without worrying about school the next day.

I love how Monique from Living Life and Learning also talks about the different schedules for her kids. 

Reason 5: I am learning with them

Did you know that every single syllable in English needs to have a vowel and that’s one of the reasons why words such as “ta-ble” and “mul-ti-pli-ca-tion” are spelled that way?

I have also learned that English words do not end in I, U, V, or J as well as how to do quick addition with a few tricks.

I am learning. Sure I graduated high school as well as a university but I am now learning and retaining all this knowledge and I love it. I cannot wait to see what I learn as my kids get older.

Favorite Homeschool Books To Read When You Have the Time

Please note that there are affiliate links below to help your shopping experience.

 The Brave Learner: Finding Everyday Magic in Homeschool, Learning, and LifeThe Brave Learner: Finding Everyday Magic in Homeschool, Learning, and Life Teaching from Rest: A Homeschooler’s Guide to Unshakable PeaceTeaching from Rest: A Homeschooler's Guide to Unshakable Peace Raising an Original: Parenting Each Child According to their Unique God-Given TemperamentRaising an Original: Parenting Each Child According to their Unique God-Given Temperament

What are some of the reasons why you love homeschooling? Comment and let me know.

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